Our purpose:

    We believe that every young person, through access to a great education, should be able to realise their potential, regardless of where they live, their background or circumstances. 

    Our vision:

    Herts for Learning will be the company of choice for services, resources and products, helping those we work with to deliver a great education.

    Please contact the HFL Media team for detailed information and images about all of HfL’s projects.

    From Early Years to Secondary, from SEND to Safeguarding, and business management services to recruitment services, HFL Eductation staff have considerable expertise in education consistent with its status as the largest school company in the UK. If you are looking for an expert on a particular topic, please contact the HFL Media team to see if an interview can be arranged. Please allow plenty of lead time for these interviews.

    Yes, HFL has staff who speak regularly and a variety of conferences and events, relating to all matters of children’s education.  Please contact us at media@hertsforlearning.co.uk and let us know your requirements.  Please allow plenty of lead time for speaker requests.

    You can find out about our forthcoming events at our Training & Events pages.

    Herts for Learning Ltd trading as HfL Education,
    Robertson House,
    Six Hills Way,
    SG1 2FQ.

    HFL Education (formerly Herts for Learning) is the largest school company in the UK, with over 520 school shareholders, dedicated to improving education for young people in Hertfordshire and beyond. Outside of the Hertfordshire boundaries, through its online training, consultancy work and its publications, HFL support schools not just in neighbouring counties but as far afield as the Middle East.

    HFL Education is the trading name for Herts for Learning Ltd.  As a collaboratively owned school company, Herts for Learning Ltd operates with a not-for-profit ethos. Beyond maintaining sufficient reserves and financing long-term projects, any surplus made is invested in the common good and/or the development of specific new services to address key challenges for our shareholding schools. 

    Although we are a private limited company (limited by shares), our shareholders are made up entirely of Hertfordshire schools and Hertfordshire County Council.

    Since its creation in September 2013, HFL has reinvested £970k in common-good activities and has passed £1.5m in price reductions for the Hertfordshire Internet and Connectivity Service (HICS) on to shareholding schools.

    Over past years, investments have included:

    • Teacher recruitment (including the Teach in Herts teacher recruitment fairs)
    • Pupil premium and closing gaps research projects
    • Transition support between primary and secondary phases
    • Research and sharing of best practice
    • One-off rebates and significant price reductions, notably for the Hertfordshire Internet and Connectivity Service (HICS) now called HFL Broadband.
    • Development of Business Manager Services.

    If you would like to use our logo, please contact us at: media@hertsforlearning.co.uk.

    If you would like to use images from our website or from any of our publications, please contact us at: media@hertsforlearning.co.uk.

    Contact details