Clare Mellish

    Clare Mellish NQT Adviser (Primary)

    As Primary NQT induction Adviser, Clare enjoys coordinating an induction service and training programme that provides headteachers, induction tutors and NQTs with comprehensive, high-quality support and development. With over 25 years’ experience in educational settings, Clare first joined the Hertfordshire Advisory Service as Curriculum Adviser for dance and since 2006, has been leading the NQT induction. She has conducted specialist NQT, induction tutor and creative arts training and consultancy for teachers from pre-school through to post-16. She chairs the NQT review panel responsible for reviewing NQT cases. Clare finds her work assisting newly qualified teachers and schools experiencing difficulties during the induction period, particularly stimulating. She maintains her interest in the creative arts by leading the Hertfordshire County Dance Teachers’ Association, recently winning the One Dance UK award for “Inspirational work in dance education.”

    Telephone: 01438 844755