Caroline Chalke

    Caroline Chalke Early Years Lead Adviser (Safeguarding Lead)

    Caroline is committed to ensuring that all children feel safe and secure within their Early Years provision, thereby being ready to learn. She works closely with the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (HSCB) to ensure all Early Years settings receive information, guidance and support regarding safeguarding children. Caroline has over 30 years’ experience in the strategic development and management of childcare in Early Years education, for the health service and in a large national voluntary organisation. This has included projects for the DfE, inspecting for Ofsted, delivering the Children Centre Quality Assurance programme in Hertfordshire and national development work promoting quality childcare provision for children aged 0–14 years. She has used this experience to develop and deliver a range of services for the Early Years PVI sector to promote high-quality provision for all children.

    Telephone: 07770 637146