We can support your school or setting in helping you to deliver more effective learning around all aspects of Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), Relationships and Health Education (RHSE) and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE).

Our expert Wellbeing team have a proven track record in helping schools with policy review and development, assessment and monitoring for your relationships and health education provision.

We provide support to schools and academy trusts on all aspects of statutory RSHE and PSHE and can also support you on a wide range of topics including teaching puberty and sex education, safeguarding, anti-bullying and anti-abuse.

How does HFL support schools with RSE, RSHE and PSHE?

Because we recognise that all school settings are different and some pupils have very individual needs around this area of the statutory curriculum, we don’t believe in providing off-the-shelf support.

Instead, we are able to tailor the work we do to provide wellbeing support that enables you to provide high quality PSHE that resonates with your students and meet statutory RSE requirements. Support can focus on:

  • Policy review and development

  • Parent consultation

  • Equalities and inclusion

  • Assessment and monitoring

  • The subject leader role

  • RSHE within the Personal Development judgement

  • The governor role

  • Guidance on quality resources to meet your needs

  • Delivering sex education

  • Teaching about the body, privacy, and puberty/adolescence

  • Maximising pupil voice

  • Teaching the law

  • Teaching safeguarding and anti-abuse

If you believe your school or setting might benefit from an enhanced enquiry into your PSHE/RSHE provision, we can offer a full day visit and follow up report that highlights existing strengths and potential areas for development, together with recommendations on next steps.


What are the benefits of working with HFL to improve PSHE/RSHE teaching in your school or setting?

Our training and guidance service aims to ensure your pupils are well-informed about relationships, sex, health, their social choices, and personal finances, and are able to begin to make responsible decisions accordingly.

The training our expert advisers offer ensures consistent, well-informed messaging at all times, leading to improved confidence among students and those teaching them.

boy looking sad being laughed at by girls


Sexual Abuse Toolkit

The Sexual Abuse Toolkit is aimed at schools and is available to all staff, students and governors.

The toolkit is designed to assist schools in facilitating discussion about healthy and abusive relationships, creating a safe and respectful culture for all, educating young people to prevent harassment and abuse and supporting victims of sexual abuse.

It provides age-appropriate guidance and support for school leaders and staff around preventing harassment, violence and abuse in young people’s relationships and includes resources and materials to support the design of an impactful RSE curriculum, with links to organisations, agencies and training providers.

The toolkit is available on the Hertfordshire Grid website

RSHE Audit Toolkit

The RSHE audit toolkit was commissioned by Hertfordshire County Council to support the enhancement of RSHE provision in Hertfordshire schools and settings. This toolkit has been curated to signpost schools to additional information and resources to support expanded coverage of RSHE in the curriculum.

The toolkit is available on the Hertfordshire Grid website



Find out more

If you’d like to know more about how HFL’s training and consultancy can help to ensure you’re delivering excellence around the PSHE/RSHE curriculum, please contact us.



Contact our Wellbeing team today to find out how we can help you.