The book has been co-created by the Herts for Learning Assessment team and Hertfordshire practitioners.  It provides a trialled and tested (by teachers) practical approach to improving teaching and learning through an in-depth focus on Assessment for Learning.

Feedback from schools that have used the Top Ten Tips:
“This has completely changed the dialogue in school and in school meetings”
“The inset activities provoke in-depth thought - and we have made significant collaborative changes as a result.”

The publication illustrates each Assessment for Learning tip with real examples and provides a year’s worth of INSET activities and resources, relevant to all schools and phases.
More importantly, the book provides a structure that any school could use to pool together practical ideas and discuss principles, to create a resource that illustrates to all members of staff what formative assessment should look like in practice in that school.

The illustrations of ‘what each tip looks like’ are from an SLD context, however the book is equally relevant to all settings.

Key stage EYFS | KS1 | LKS2 | UKS2 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4 | KS5 | Post 16
Category Assessment | Assessment for Learning | Formative | Pedagogy

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